Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Josh Amos Connections Pastor(864) 479-4171 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 479-4171

Josh is happily married to his wife Kelly, and they have six wonderful daughters. He thoroughly enjoys coaching soccer, hiking, cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes, and going on trips and dates with his girls. An entrepreneur at heart, Josh loves ideation, brainstorming, planning, and executing events, as well as investing in and connecting people to God and his church. He has found a niche in caring for broken and hurting men at Fellowship, as God has allowed him to personally experience life change through re:generation, a 12-Step recovery ministry offered at FG.

Charlie Boyd Teaching Pastor & Executive Coach(864) 679-4200 Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Charlie was born in Mount Airy, NC, grew up in Florida and graduated from Florida State University. He then graduated with high honors from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology and also earned his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. [Read more...]

Matt Densky Next Gen Pastor(864) 609-4174 Hwy 14

Matt grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee and loves the outdoors and adventure where you will find him in his free time. He is married to Lauren and father to Trent, Grey, and Olive. He graduated from Columbia International University with a double major in Bible and Student Ministry and a minor in Outdoor Leadership. He attended seminary earning a Masters of Divinity degree in leadership. He is passionate about discipling students, teaching the Bible, and partnering with parents.

Dallas Greenaway Student Ministry Pastor(864) 385-3360 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 385-3360

Dallas has been at FG since he was in the 6th grade. By God's grace, everything has come full circle and now he gets to be a part of seeing God reach the next generation of students at the same church where his life was changed over 10 years ago. Dallas is married to Brittany and they have two sons, Owen and Samuel.

Mike Hawkins Congregational Care Pastor(864) 679-4206 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4206

Mike has been at attending FG since he started college 40+ years ago. He and his wife Jane call Greenville home and raised their daughters at FG. They are very involved in mentoring premarital and newlywed couples. Mike loves to grill, golf, and fish, but mostly loves hanging out with his grandkids!

Jason Malone Directional Pastor(864) 679-4201 Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Jason was born and raised in the Upstate of SC. A graduate of Southside Christian School and Cedarville University, he is married to Jen and they have two daughters, Caroline and Cate. Jason is passionate about church multiplication and gospel-motivated spiritual formation. He enjoys spending time with his family, golfing with his best friends, and all things South Carolina Gamecocks and Atlanta Braves.

Rob Marks Executive Pastor(864) 373-0096 Hwy 14

Rob was born and raised in southwestern Ohio where he met his wife Sherry. They have five children: Jake, Emma, Nathan, Kyle, and Autumn. Rob has been on staff at FG since 2007. Rob loves problem solving, leadership, and strategy.

Josh Moll Care & Community Group Pastor(864) 679-0400 Adams Mill (864) 679-0400

Josh Moll has a deep love for his family. Along with his wife, Ashleigh, and their two kids, he enjoys hiking, mission trips, impromptu dance parties, and playing games. During his non-kid time, Josh appreciates engaging in meaningful conversations over coffee, meeting new people, participating in book clubs, and relaxing by the fire with friends. He is passionate about bringing people together, caring for them, and guiding them towards a deeper enjoyment of life with Jesus.

Jon Powell Expansion Pastor(864) 679-4229 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4229

Jon is a Greenville native who grew up at FG. After graduating from college, he spent 20 years in Louisville, KY, where he most recently served as an Executive Pastor in the local church. Returning home, Jon is passionate about identifying, developing, and shepherding Kingdom workers. He is the father of three amazing kids, Noah, Allie, & Levi, and is married to his amazing wife, Nichole, and spends most of his free time with his family, playing sports, or watching the Atlanta Braves.

Matt Rexford Lead Worship Pastor(864) 679-4245 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4245

Matt is passionate about seeing the people of God respond to who God is and all that he has done. He loves making familiar songs fresh through a variety of musical expression. His free time is spent with his wife Whitney and four kids or on a golf course making bogeys.

Zac Rigsby Discipleship Pastor(864) 385-3362 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3362

Zac was born in Greenville and grew up here at Fellowship Greenville. He played tennis for Clemson University graduating with a B.S. Management degree. He graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity in Christian Ministry.  He worked for three years in accounting as a CPA.  Zac is passionate about the glory of God and making disciples who make disciples. He now is blessed with the opportunity to love, serve, and support community groups here at Fellowship Greenville. He and his wife, Amy, have two beautiful children, Ella and Asher. 

Nathan Sheehan Next Gen Worship Pastor(864) 679-4247 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4247

Nathan is a Greenville native and an alumnus of North Greenville University. He has a great passion for Jesus, a heart for service, and you'll often find him somewhere picking a guitar. He served three summers as a staffer at Look Up Lodge prior to being a 2019 summer intern here at Fellowship Greenville. At the conclusion of the internship, Nathan joined our team as our Worship Resident. 

Tyler Smith High School Pastor(864) 609-4173 Hwy 14 (864) 609-4173

Tyler was born and raised in Irmo, S.C. He graduated from Columbia International University where he played soccer and double majored in Bible and Student Ministry. In his free time, you can find him drinking coffee with a good book, taking long walks with his wife Jordan, or sitting around a fire under the stars with friends. He's passionate about students finding life in Jesus, teaching the Bible, and partnering with parents. 

Trenton Stokes Lead Care Pastor(864) 385-3353 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3353

Trenton grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, surrounded by the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. He married his wife, Dana, in 1989 and they have a trio of older sons and two grandchildren, Rosa and Henry. Trenton's leisurely joys include reading, consuming his wife's great cooking, meandering the mountain roads of the Upstate and Western North Carolina, spending time with friends, and catching an occasional movie with his boys.

Jim Thompson Care & Equipping Pastor(864) 679-4235 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4235

Having been around FG since the late 90s, Jim loves to call our church home. He's a preacher’s kid, a family man, a Bible nerd, a music lover, a Gamecock fan, a porch sitter, and doesn’t like long walks on the beach!

Meet Our Elders

Our local church body is led by a group of men known as elders. Our elders serve and lead because they are recognized by the church as those whom God has gifted, equipped, and empowered for the service of leading our congregation.

Their responsibility is to see that the church holds fast to the truth of the Scriptures, that the teaching of the ministry is sound, that the members are appropriately cared for, and that the church is growing in a biblical way. They are each connected to some part of the body through their personal shepherding of individuals within the church family.

Qualifications of an Elder

Specific Scripture references in 1 Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4 form the basis for the following list of characteristics desired in an Elder:

  • Family—He must manage his own household well. If married, he must be faithful and dedicated to his wife. If he has children, he must be dedicated to seeing that they become obedient and respectful Christians.
  • Character—He cannot be open to legitimate criticism of character and must have a good reputation with those outside the church. He must be a balanced person who is not given to extremes; one who is self-controlled, not quick-tempered, and not ensnared by addictive behavior. He must be one who is respected, friendly, and hospitable; a gentle person who is not quarrelsome. He must be a truly godly man who loves what is good. He must be free from greed and the love of money, completely honest and upright in financial dealings.
  • Leadership—He must lead in a humble manner, never being arrogant or overbearing. He must be an example to those he has been entrusted to lead, putting their interests ahead of his own. He cannot be a recent convert but must be a mature Christian. He must be able to teach and defend the faith, instruct in sound doctrine, and stand against those who oppose it.

Simply stated, elders are men who talk to God about people and talk to people about God. Elders at Fellowship Greenville serve as long as they are biblically qualified, desire to be an elder, and are shepherding people. For more information, contact our Elders.


Stan Barrett

Charlie Boyd Teaching Pastor & Executive Coach Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Charlie was born in Mount Airy, NC, grew up in Florida and graduated from Florida State University. He then graduated with high honors from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology and also earned his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. [Read more...]

Mark Call

Chris Corley

Ken Kruithof

Jason Malone Directional Pastor Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Jason was born and raised in the Upstate of SC. A graduate of Southside Christian School and Cedarville University, he is married to Jen and they have two daughters, Caroline and Cate. Jason is passionate about church multiplication and gospel-motivated spiritual formation. He enjoys spending time with his family, golfing with his best friends, and all things South Carolina Gamecocks and Atlanta Braves.

Rob Marks Executive Pastor Hwy 14

Rob was born and raised in southwestern Ohio where he met his wife Sherry. They have five children: Jake, Emma, Nathan, Kyle, and Autumn. Rob has been on staff at FG since 2007. Rob loves problem solving, leadership, and strategy.

Justin Moll

Craig O'Neal

Art Ringger

Josh Amos Connections Pastor(864) 479-4171 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 479-4171

Josh is happily married to his wife Kelly, and they have six wonderful daughters. He thoroughly enjoys coaching soccer, hiking, cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes, and going on trips and dates with his girls. An entrepreneur at heart, Josh loves ideation, brainstorming, planning, and executing events, as well as investing in and connecting people to God and his church. He has found a niche in caring for broken and hurting men at Fellowship, as God has allowed him to personally experience life change through re:generation, a 12-Step recovery ministry offered at FG.

Chandler Anderson Worship Leader(864) 679-4205 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4205

Chandler is from Charleston, SC and studied Music and Worship Leadership at Anderson University. Chandler and her husband, Skyler, enjoy spending time with their three cats, hosting game nights, & exploring all the best coffee shops in the upstate.

Megan Harper Event Coordinator(864) 679-4246 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4246

Megan moved to Simpsonville in 2008 and is married to Ryan, they have two children Finn and Reagan. She has worked events since 2019 and in 2022 she started running her own vendor events in Simpsonville. She and her husband have been members of Fellowship Greenville since 2009. She is excited to join our staff and bring her event experience to FG. In her downtime, she enjoys being with her family, playing tennis, reading, and watching movies and sports. 

Matt Rexford Lead Worship Pastor(864) 679-4245 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4245

Matt is passionate about seeing the people of God respond to who God is and all that he has done. He loves making familiar songs fresh through a variety of musical expression. His free time is spent with his wife Whitney and four kids or on a golf course making bogeys.

Nathan Sheehan Next Gen Worship Pastor(864) 679-4247 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4247

Nathan is a Greenville native and an alumnus of North Greenville University. He has a great passion for Jesus, a heart for service, and you'll often find him somewhere picking a guitar. He served three summers as a staffer at Look Up Lodge prior to being a 2019 summer intern here at Fellowship Greenville. At the conclusion of the internship, Nathan joined our team as our Worship Resident. 

Hannah Witt Connections Coordinator(864) 558-0791 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0791

Hannah is a Greenville native and has been attending FG since 2009. She graduated from Winthrop University with a degree in Marketing. After serving as the connections intern in 2017 she knew she wanted to pursue her career in ministry. Hannah is married to her high school sweetheart and they have one daughter Amelia Ann.  

Rachel Marks Discipleship Coordinator(864) 558-0790 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0790

Rachel was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. She attended Clemson University where she received a degree in psychology. She has a passion for serving others, organizing, and discipling the next generation. She loves going to coffee shops with friends, yoga, lists, and golden retrievers.

Josh Moll Care & Community Group Pastor(864) 679-0400 Adams Mill (864) 679-0400

Josh Moll has a deep love for his family. Along with his wife, Ashleigh, and their two kids, he enjoys hiking, mission trips, impromptu dance parties, and playing games. During his non-kid time, Josh appreciates engaging in meaningful conversations over coffee, meeting new people, participating in book clubs, and relaxing by the fire with friends. He is passionate about bringing people together, caring for them, and guiding them towards a deeper enjoyment of life with Jesus.

Carissa Pendergraft Spiritual Formation Ministry Assistant(864) 679-4249 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4249

Carissa is from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is an Anderson University graduate with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. She is passionate about pouring into the next generation and enjoys serving behind the scenes. In her free time, she can be found with a book, hanging out with her friends, or admiring the Lord’s creation.

Zac Rigsby Discipleship Pastor(864) 385-3362 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3362

Zac was born in Greenville and grew up here at Fellowship Greenville. He played tennis for Clemson University graduating with a B.S. Management degree. He graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity in Christian Ministry.  He worked for three years in accounting as a CPA.  Zac is passionate about the glory of God and making disciples who make disciples. He now is blessed with the opportunity to love, serve, and support community groups here at Fellowship Greenville. He and his wife, Amy, have two beautiful children, Ella and Asher. 

Sharon Thomas Women's Ministry Director(864) 385-3356 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3356

Her previous career as an elementary school teacher gave Sharon the unique giftings of administrative skills coupled with a love for people. She and her husband, Bill, have been at FG since 2005. When she’s not working, she’s cheering on the Steelers, enjoying weekends away with her husband, or spending time with family and friends.

Jim Thompson Care & Equipping Pastor(864) 679-4235 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4235

Having been around FG since the late 90s, Jim loves to call our church home. He's a preacher’s kid, a family man, a Bible nerd, a music lover, a Gamecock fan, a porch sitter, and doesn’t like long walks on the beach!

Mary Beth Williams Women's Discipleship Director(864) 605-7931 Hwy 14 (864) 605-7931

Mary Beth was born in Greenville and grew up attending FG. She graduated from Cedarville University in Cedarville, OH, in 1998 with an English Education degree and a Bible minor. She married her husband, Eric, in 1999. They can be found most days on the sidelines of various events cheering on one of their five children: Ella Grace, Annabelle, Katie, Kanius, and Brielle.

Charlie Boyd Teaching Pastor & Executive Coach(864) 679-4200 Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Charlie was born in Mount Airy, NC, grew up in Florida and graduated from Florida State University. He then graduated with high honors from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Theology and also earned his Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. [Read more...]

Jana Johnson Missional Impact Trip Coordinator & Ministry Assistant(864) 385-3350 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3350

Jana grew up at FG and is thankful to be able to work at a place that God has used to form her into who she is today. She is passionate about the life-changing power of the gospel and social justice issues and loves supporting a ministry that combines the two. When Jana is not working, you can find her reading, enjoying a good movie, or hanging out with family and friends.

Jason Malone Directional Pastor(864) 679-4201 Hwy 14,Adams Mill

Jason was born and raised in the Upstate of SC. A graduate of Southside Christian School and Cedarville University, he is married to Jen and they have two daughters, Caroline and Cate. Jason is passionate about church multiplication and gospel-motivated spiritual formation. He enjoys spending time with his family, golfing with his best friends, and all things South Carolina Gamecocks and Atlanta Braves.

Cassandra Martin Missional Impact Director(864) 385-3354 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3354

Cassandra loves seeing God at work everywhere. Since college, she has had a missionary heart for serving Jesus, an empathetic ear that allows her to relate well to others, and a thirst to learn more about how to advance the Kingdom of God. A native South Carolinian and married to Bruce, Cassandra has four children and four grandchildren.

Jon Powell Expansion Pastor(864) 679-4229 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4229

Jon is a Greenville native who grew up at FG. After graduating from college, he spent 20 years in Louisville, KY, where he most recently served as an Executive Pastor in the local church. Returning home, Jon is passionate about identifying, developing, and shepherding Kingdom workers. He is the father of three amazing kids, Noah, Allie, & Levi, and is married to his amazing wife, Nichole, and spends most of his free time with his family, playing sports, or watching the Atlanta Braves.

Katie Schaffner Executive Assistant to Leadership(864) 558-0795 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0795

Katie is a native Greenvillian and grew up attending FG. She has a passion for ministry and loves serving the Executive Team behind the scenes. Outside of work, she enjoys family time, trying out a new recipe, and spending time with friends.

Amy Allen Care Director of Counseling & Recovery Ministries(864) 679-4220 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4220

Amy is happily married to her husband, Clayton, and they have two great children, Grace and Carson. When she is not running kids from one activity to the next or slipping through the Starbucks drive-thru, Amy enjoys meeting up with a friend, reading, going to a movie or to the gym. She enjoys using her gifts to help people in need experience the love and grace of our church members who graciously give of themselves with no expectation of return.

Rebecca Cooke Care Coordinator(864) 385-3368 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3368

Rebecca relocated to the Upstate in the summer of 2022 along with her husband, Mark, and their adult daughters, Devenie and Tamara. They are enjoying becoming acquainted with the area and the people. Rebecca graduated from Simpson University with a BA in Christian Education. She loves spending time with her family, music, gardening, photography, mountain jeep rides, and exploring new places.

Mike Hawkins Congregational Care Pastor(864) 679-4206 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4206

Mike has been at attending FG since he started college 40+ years ago. He and his wife Jane call Greenville home and raised their daughters at FG. They are very involved in mentoring premarital and newlywed couples. Mike loves to grill, golf, and fish, but mostly loves hanging out with his grandkids!

Josh Moll Care & Community Group Pastor(864) 679-0400 Adams Mill (864) 679-0400

Josh Moll has a deep love for his family. Along with his wife, Ashleigh, and their two kids, he enjoys hiking, mission trips, impromptu dance parties, and playing games. During his non-kid time, Josh appreciates engaging in meaningful conversations over coffee, meeting new people, participating in book clubs, and relaxing by the fire with friends. He is passionate about bringing people together, caring for them, and guiding them towards a deeper enjoyment of life with Jesus.

Carissa Pendergraft Spiritual Formation Ministry Assistant(864) 679-4249 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4249

Carissa is from Raleigh, North Carolina. She is an Anderson University graduate with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. She is passionate about pouring into the next generation and enjoys serving behind the scenes. In her free time, she can be found with a book, hanging out with her friends, or admiring the Lord’s creation.

Trenton Stokes Lead Care Pastor(864) 385-3353 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3353

Trenton grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, surrounded by the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. He married his wife, Dana, in 1989 and they have a trio of older sons and two grandchildren, Rosa and Henry. Trenton's leisurely joys include reading, consuming his wife's great cooking, meandering the mountain roads of the Upstate and Western North Carolina, spending time with friends, and catching an occasional movie with his boys.

Jim Thompson Care & Equipping Pastor(864) 679-4235 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4235

Having been around FG since the late 90s, Jim loves to call our church home. He's a preacher’s kid, a family man, a Bible nerd, a music lover, a Gamecock fan, a porch sitter, and doesn’t like long walks on the beach!

Matt Densky Next Gen Pastor(864) 609-4174 Hwy 14

Matt grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee and loves the outdoors and adventure where you will find him in his free time. He is married to Lauren and father to Trent, Grey, and Olive. He graduated from Columbia International University with a double major in Bible and Student Ministry and a minor in Outdoor Leadership. He attended seminary earning a Masters of Divinity degree in leadership. He is passionate about discipling students, teaching the Bible, and partnering with parents.

Paige Diaz FG Kids Preteen Coordinator(864) 679-4215 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4215

Paige was born and raised in the upstate. She is married to Daniel and they have one daughter, Elliot, and a long-haired chihuahua named Finn. A graduate of Anderson University, Paige enjoys fishing, new music, worship with friends, and theology over tea.

Courtney Goyak Next Gen Ministry Assistant(864) 558-0788 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0788

Courtney is originally from northern Wisconsin but ended up at Lancaster Bible College in Pennsylvania where she received an Early Childhood Education degree and played two college sports. She has a heart for stewarding the gifts and passions God has given her to disciple, serve, and love on other people. She has been at Fellowship for 2.5 years and is now so grateful to serve alongside those who have invested into her. In her free time, you’ll find her with her family, in a coffee shop reading and writing, doing a puzzle, baking, or watching movies.

Melanie Grainger FG Kids Lead Director(864) 385-3357 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3357

Melanie grew up in Aiken, SC and attended Columbia College where she received her Psychology degree. She married her high school friend, David, in 2007. Together they have a son, Landon, three fur babies and a small brood of chickens.

Dallas Greenaway Student Ministry Pastor(864) 385-3360 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 385-3360

Dallas has been at FG since he was in the 6th grade. By God's grace, everything has come full circle and now he gets to be a part of seeing God reach the next generation of students at the same church where his life was changed over 10 years ago. Dallas is married to Brittany and they have two sons, Owen and Samuel.

Scott Hudson Next Gen Production Director, Lighting & Staging Director(864) 609-7930 Hwy 14 (864) 609-7930

Scott was born and raised in Greenville, SC. After serving for many years, his passion grew for production and he now uses his gifts in full-time ministry with Next Gen.

McKara Johnston Student Small Group Coordinator(864) 385-3367 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3367

McKara is from Hilton Head Island, SC, and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary. She loves theology, entertainment, living life with people, and equipping teen girls with the Word of Christ. 

Nathan Marks Next Gen Audiovisual Production Specialist Hwy 14

Nathan has been attending Fellowship Greenville since 2007, and it is where he met his wife, Rachel. Nathan loves to help other people discover ways that God has gifted them and production is just one avenue for this. As an extrovert, spending time with people and experiencing God’s creation through the outdoors is what Nathan loves to do the most.

Brooke Porter FG Kids Director(864) 679-4209 Adams Mill (864) 679-4209

Brooke grew up in Goose Creek, SC, and is a North Greenville University graduate. She and her husband, Cameron, have been in the upstate since getting married in 2015 and enjoy spending time with their German Shepherd. Brooke has a passion for serving kids and their families and enjoys reading and game nights with friends in her free time.

Lisa Romines Thrive Coordinator Hwy 14

Coming soon.

Brentley Sheehan Student Connections and Development Coordinator(864) 609-4177 Hwy 14 (864) 609-4177

Brentley is from Greenville and an Anderson University grad with a degree in Secondary Mathematics Education. She is passionate about discipling and investing in the next generation. Her love of math and her experience in a student environment carries over into her methodical and relational approach to ministry. When she is not at work, you can find Brentley in the outdoors, watching movies, listening to music, and hanging out with family and friends

Nathan Sheehan Next Gen Worship Pastor(864) 679-4247 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4247

Nathan is a Greenville native and an alumnus of North Greenville University. He has a great passion for Jesus, a heart for service, and you'll often find him somewhere picking a guitar. He served three summers as a staffer at Look Up Lodge prior to being a 2019 summer intern here at Fellowship Greenville. At the conclusion of the internship, Nathan joined our team as our Worship Resident. 

Tyler Smith High School Pastor(864) 609-4173 Hwy 14 (864) 609-4173

Tyler was born and raised in Irmo, S.C. He graduated from Columbia International University where he played soccer and double majored in Bible and Student Ministry. In his free time, you can find him drinking coffee with a good book, taking long walks with his wife Jordan, or sitting around a fire under the stars with friends. He's passionate about students finding life in Jesus, teaching the Bible, and partnering with parents. 

Joseph Adams Worship Technology Director(864) 385-3352 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3352

Joseph has been interested in technology since he and his twin brother began programming and building computers as children. He loves using technology to serve God and the people of FG and is dedicated to equipping a team of volunteers. He is husband to Rachelle and father to Asher and Abraham.

Emma Aho Communications Graphic Designer(864) 385-3365 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3365

Coming soon.

Rick Aylestock Facilities Assistant(864) 558-0793 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0793

The Lord planted Rick and his wife, Lynne, at FG in 1975. They've been calling it home ever since. Rick's passion in ministry is to serve others. He enjoys the behind-the-scenes work helping create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable worshiping and connecting with God.

Rayanne Blevins Accountant(864) 679-4223 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4223

Rayanne has been working in the accounting field since her graduation from Anderson University. She enjoys the logic and problem solving that comes with this role. She and her husband, Alex, met while attending Anderson University and got married shortly after graduation. They quickly decided to make Fellowship their church home and have slowly been getting connected since then as a married couple. When Rayanne is not working you can find her playing sports with her family and friends, trying out local coffee shops, doing puzzles, and singing all sorts of tunes. She loves hosting friends and usually can talk her husband into grilling for company as well!

Shelby Borkowski Event Childcare Director(864) 385-3361 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3361

Shelby is a Christ follower, wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She is a former educator who has a passion for seeing children find a love for learning about God and serving parents to help them be able to do the same. 

Katie Bullock Project Management/Logistics Specialist(864) 704-1595 Hwy 14 (864) 704-1595

Katie enjoys juggling details, logistics, and calendars as she strives to keep ministries running smoothly. She is wife to Bryan and mom to Ariel and Hunter. When not crossing off items on her task list or using colorful markers on her wall calendar, Katie can be found horseback riding and spending time with her family.

Tiffany Bunney IT Director(864) 679-4204 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4204

Having lived in KS, CA, NJ, and PA, Tiffany moved to SC in 1998, and it has been her home ever since. She is married to Josh, and mother to two adult children, Teya and JJ. She loves the church, and feels privileged to have the opportunity to use her gift of helping others each day.

Jacob Calverley Communications Video Production Specialist(864) 609-4176 Hwy 14 (864) 609-4176

Coming soon.

Tim Dallas Facilities Director(864) 609-4175 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 609-4175

Tim grew up in nearby Woodruff and moved to Greenville in 2005. He loves working in the facilities area of the ministry and participating in God's work here. Tim enjoys working out and DIY projects, and is an avid fisherman.

Toby Dix Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Toby married his college sweetheart in 1994. He and his wife, Julieann have two grown children, Madison and Tanner, and one daughter-in-law, Tori. Toby enjoys spending time with his family, Florida State Football, and just about anything outdoors. He is a native of Greenville and loves the local church. He enjoys serving and shepherding people of all ages.

Ashley Geiger Event Childcare Assistant Director Hwy 14

Ashley was born and raised in Greenville, SC. She is a wife to Matthew and mother to 6 kids. She is a Christ follower, who got saved at the age of 14. She loves kids and getting to connect with the families in the church. She is thankful that the Lord led her to Fellowship Greenville and feels blessed that the Lord called her into the ministry of event childcare where she gets to love on families and teach kids about the Lord and how much He loves us.

Marty Hines Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Coming soon.

Eddie Holeman Financial and Technology Services Director(864) 679-4211 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4211

Eddie and his wife, Diane, came to us after serving as missionaries in Bolivia, South America. Eddie is dad to Rachel and Rebecca, both who are medical professionals. He coached his daughters and others in high school softball for 15 years. Eddie served as our IT Director and Accounting Manager for 19 years before stepping into his current role in February 2020.

Peggy Howard Accountant(864) 679-4213 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4213

Peggy works as a part-time accountant and loves her Mondays at FG as the Contributions Accountant. She also is a full-time wife and mother of five children.

Scott Hudson Next Gen Production Director, Lighting & Staging Director(864) 609-7930 Hwy 14 (864) 609-7930

Scott was born and raised in Greenville, SC. After serving for many years, his passion grew for production and he now uses his gifts in full-time ministry with Next Gen.

Samantha Hughes A/V Tech Assistant Hwy 14

Samantha has volunteered with our church tech team for over six years. Originally from New York, she and her husband, Sean, relocated to South Carolina in 2017. With a passion for technology and community, Samantha is dedicated to enhancing our worship experience and helping others connect with their faith.

Austin Klitzka A/V Tech Assistant Hwy 14

Austin is a follower of Christ and husband to Joy. He enjoys serving the Lord and the body of Christ through many different mediums including music and technology.

James McKinney Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

James has been married to his best friend, Kate, since 2006. Together they have seven incredible kids: Gabi, Sarah, Evan, Matthew, David, Avi, and Emma Grace. His passion is to know, follow, and proclaim Christ and to encourage others to do the same.

Jerry Nagelkirk Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Jerry married his wife, Marsha, in 1983 and has been a member of Fellowship Greenville since 1982. They have two grown children, Jared and Kaylyn, who grew up at FG. Jerry enjoys serving and working with others and is happy to be using his gifts to work alongside the Facilities Team here at FG.

Jon Powell Expansion Pastor(864) 679-4229 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4229

Jon is a Greenville native who grew up at FG. After graduating from college, he spent 20 years in Louisville, KY, where he most recently served as an Executive Pastor in the local church. Returning home, Jon is passionate about identifying, developing, and shepherding Kingdom workers. He is the father of three amazing kids, Noah, Allie, & Levi, and is married to his amazing wife, Nichole, and spends most of his free time with his family, playing sports, or watching the Atlanta Braves.

Aimee Reimann Receptionist(864) 605-7968 Hwy 14 (864) 605-7968

Aimee grew up in Arizona, and moved to Greenville in 2013 because of a job transfer, but fell in love with Greenville.  Aimee, her husband, twin daughters, and son came to Fellowship Greenville in 2015. She felt this place was special from the moment she stepped inside the doors. Aimee and her husband serve on the FIT Welcome Team and have experienced joyful people at FG that truly have a heart for who God is and what He is doing.

Beth Schaffner Executive Assistant to Ministry Services(864) 234-7585 Hwy 14 (864) 234-7585

Beth was born and raised in Illinois and moved to Greenville in 1993. She is wife to Bob and mother to Avery and Katie. She has a passion for serving quietly behind the scenes and enjoys using her administrative gifts to support the ministry.

Yuliya Stasheuskaya IT Database Specialist(864) 385-3366 Hwy 14 (864) 385-3366

Yuliya, and her family, moved to the US from Belarus in 2018, and lived in California before relocating to South Carolina in Feb 2021. Yuliya loves God, her family, IT (and everything related to it), Jazz music, and good food. 

Amy Tedder Receptionist Sub(864) 605-7929 Hwy 14 (864) 605-7929

Coming soon.

Andrew Tedder Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Andrew Tedder grew up attending Fellowship Greenville and is the third generation of Tedders to be employed by FG. Andrew works diligently to ensure that church members and staff are not impeded by malfunctioning equipment during times of worship and hearing God's Word. 

Paul Tedder IT Systems Administrator(864) 679-4241 Hwy 14 (864) 679-4241

Paul began attending FG as a seventh grader back when the church was located on Augusta Road. In 2005, Paul came on staff as Director of Ministry Connections. His passion for technology and helping people eventually drew him to his current role with IT.

Raydell Tedder Receptionist Hwy 14

Raydell has a long history with Fellowship Greenville having worked as an administrative assistant for 30 years before retiring in 2017. She was delighted to return to staff to serve as a part-time receptionist.

Bill Thomas Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Bill grew up in Johnstown, PA, and moved to Florida in 1983, where he worked for 22 years in the electrical apparatus industry. He met his wife Sharon in 1989 and married in 1990. They moved to Simpsonville in 2005, where he was the General Manager for an electric motor repair business for 19 years. He recently retired and is enjoying the opportunity to work part-time at Fellowship Greenville with the Facilities Dept.

Jeff Thompson Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Jeff grew up in Buchanan, VA, and met his wife, Joanna, while attending Virginia Western Community College. Jeff and Joanna have two wonderful kids, Benjamin and Katherine. Jeff moved to the Upstate in 2006 and began his real estate career. Jeff has a great passion for serving the Lord, so no matter where he is, he is looking for ways to be of service to God and to others. 

Debbie Thurston Assistant Director of Ministry Services(864) 609-4172 Hwy 14 (864) 609-4172

Debbie and her husband Bob have been members of FG since 1986, and have served in a variety of capacities since then. In her current role, she brings a wealth of human resources and project management experience to the staff. The Thurstons have two daughters and five grandchildren.

Matt Tomlinson Facilities Assistant Hwy 14

Matt is a proud husband to Ashly and father to a beautiful baby girl, Phoenix. He is a business owner in the advertising and marketing industry. Matt was so warmly welcomed by FG that he felt compelled to give back by using his gifts and experience to serve on staff. Matt enjoys meeting people and being entrenched in community at FG.

Tonya Warner Receptionist Adams Mill

Tonya has been greeting and serving our church body with joy and energy since 2014. She was born and raised in Kentucky and is a true KY Wildcats fan. She enjoy spending time with her husband Ron and two children, Ashton and Haydon.

Jonathan Wunrow Worship Audio Director(864) 558-0789 Hwy 14 (864) 558-0789

Jonathan is a musician and audio technology geek, and enjoys combining those interests to serve the body of Christ. He is husband to Melody and “doggy dad” to Daisy, and when he’s not playing or recording music, he can be found cooking or taking his coffee making to the next level!

Josh Amos Connections Pastor(864) 479-4171 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 479-4171

Josh is happily married to his wife Kelly, and they have six wonderful daughters. He thoroughly enjoys coaching soccer, hiking, cheering on the Ohio State Buckeyes, and going on trips and dates with his girls. An entrepreneur at heart, Josh loves ideation, brainstorming, planning, and executing events, as well as investing in and connecting people to God and his church. He has found a niche in caring for broken and hurting men at Fellowship, as God has allowed him to personally experience life change through re:generation, a 12-Step recovery ministry offered at FG.

Dallas Greenaway Student Ministry Pastor(864) 385-3360 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 385-3360

Dallas has been at FG since he was in the 6th grade. By God's grace, everything has come full circle and now he gets to be a part of seeing God reach the next generation of students at the same church where his life was changed over 10 years ago. Dallas is married to Brittany and they have two sons, Owen and Samuel.

Josh Moll Care & Community Group Pastor(864) 679-0400 Adams Mill (864) 679-0400

Josh Moll has a deep love for his family. Along with his wife, Ashleigh, and their two kids, he enjoys hiking, mission trips, impromptu dance parties, and playing games. During his non-kid time, Josh appreciates engaging in meaningful conversations over coffee, meeting new people, participating in book clubs, and relaxing by the fire with friends. He is passionate about bringing people together, caring for them, and guiding them towards a deeper enjoyment of life with Jesus.

Brooke Porter FG Kids Director(864) 679-4209 Adams Mill (864) 679-4209

Brooke grew up in Goose Creek, SC, and is a North Greenville University graduate. She and her husband, Cameron, have been in the upstate since getting married in 2015 and enjoy spending time with their German Shepherd. Brooke has a passion for serving kids and their families and enjoys reading and game nights with friends in her free time.

Jon Powell Expansion Pastor(864) 679-4229 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4229

Jon is a Greenville native who grew up at FG. After graduating from college, he spent 20 years in Louisville, KY, where he most recently served as an Executive Pastor in the local church. Returning home, Jon is passionate about identifying, developing, and shepherding Kingdom workers. He is the father of three amazing kids, Noah, Allie, & Levi, and is married to his amazing wife, Nichole, and spends most of his free time with his family, playing sports, or watching the Atlanta Braves.

Matt Rexford Lead Worship Pastor(864) 679-4245 Hwy 14,Adams Mill (864) 679-4245

Matt is passionate about seeing the people of God respond to who God is and all that he has done. He loves making familiar songs fresh through a variety of musical expression. His free time is spent with his wife Whitney and four kids or on a golf course making bogeys.

Tonya Warner Receptionist Adams Mill

Tonya has been greeting and serving our church body with joy and energy since 2014. She was born and raised in Kentucky and is a true KY Wildcats fan. She enjoy spending time with her husband Ron and two children, Ashton and Haydon.