Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Next Gen Stepping-In Class

We believe that the act of baptism is significant in the life of a Believer. Baptism is a wonderful way to share and celebrate your commitment to follow Jesus. This is why we have designed a special NextGen Baptism Celebration for our kids and students. The first step in our NextGen Baptism process is for kids and their parents to attend a Stepping-In class.

Stepping-In is a fun and interactive class that will help your child understand what baptism is, discover exactly what the Bible says about it, and build their confidence in sharing their faith with others. Kids and students will need to attend this class before participating in NextGen Baptism. This class is offered 3 Sundays a year during our regular service times.

Event Details: Sunday April 6 at 11:00 AM

Event Location: Fellowship Greenville, in the Room 232

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Hwy 14 Campus

Room 232 (Upstairs in Building D)

Date / Time
  • Sunday, 04/06/25 @ 11:00 AM