Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Day 8 | Constant Access to the Father

Written by Mandy Lorenzo Block


"And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you." 1 Thessalonians 3:12 (BSB)


Sometimes, during the holidays, people can be rude, impatient, mean, demanding, selfish, and difficult to love. This even includes family. Trying to be loving, kind, and patient with them all the time can be exhausting, and sometimes we lose it. But those of us who have trusted Jesus as Savior and have the Holy Spirit inside us have constant access to the Savior’s love for us and each other. Even if we don’t FEEL patient or loving some days, we can still call on Jesus to help us in that moment to have His perspective. He died for them too, and loves them as much as us! As we allow His love for them to fill us, we can begin to act lovingly with His grace and help.


The next time you feel impatient, unkind, unloving, or just too tired to be kind anymore, pause and pray. Tell Jesus how you feel, and give that over to Him to heal (not other people to make you feel better). Ask Him to open your eyes and heart to know the depths of His love for you and others, and to help you love them with the love He has for them (because we can’t manufacture it on our own). Ask God what to say, how to respond, lovingly, and trust He will help you.