Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Day 21 | Your Way, Your Word

Written by Jill McNamara


"May it be done to me according to your word. And the angel departed from her." Luke 1:38 (ESV)


At Christmas, I often reflect on Mary, the mother of Jesus. The loud voices in our culture draw me to her; her humble response to the angel Gabriel draws me to her heart. How afraid and anxious she must have been…this magnificent angel telling her she would birth a son by the overshadowing of the Most High! And this child will be the Son of God whose reign will never end! Can you imagine? You are a young woman, maybe 14 or 15; a virgin, unmarried, with no way to care for yourself or a baby without assistance. And you simply respond, “Your way, your word!”


Let the message of Christ dwell richly in you, so deeply that you too can say, Your Way Lord, not mine. Is your heart so full of God’s love and His word that you can say Your Way Lord, have Your way in any circumstance?