Sundays: 9 & 11am LATEST MESSAGE

Day 16: God-Sized Task

Infinite God, this Adams Mill project is a big investment. The financial need is very great! We believe that You’ve called us to take this step of faith, and we know that we cannot accomplish this God-sized task on our own. So, we look to You to provide the resources. Yet we’re grateful that we get to partner with You in this endeavor. Like the boy who gave his fish and loaves to Jesus, we can offer to You what we have—trusting You to use it mightily. Even when our gifts are small, may they be given with a great love that delights Your heart. Though we are limited, You accomplish eternal things with the little bit that we place in Your hands. We ask that everyone in our church would joyfully participate by following You in trust and obedience.

Romans 5:10 / Ephesians 2:7 / Romans 2:4 / Ephesians 4:32